Monday, March 3, 2008

Packing For Hiking With Kids

The first thing to consider when hiking with kids is how much should kids carry on their backs? Adults generally use 1/4 of body weight as a guideline, but we think this is too much for kids. Most kids find it much more enjoyable carrying a 10 pound pack or less. They can get most of the stuff in at 10 lbs, and the adult ends up carrying almost all of the food.

To start with, a school backpack will suffice for a beginning hike with kids. Let them pack a flashlight, their own water, a favorite snack, lightweight jacket or long sleeve shirt. If you have a child that’s of the indoor creative sort and not the kind to be outdoors roughing it, let them take a comfort creature of their choice that they will be responsible to carry throughout the hike. This will allow for a smile and cooperation on their new outdoor adventure as they show their plaything a good time and ultimately will make hiking with kids a successful day out.

If you’re wondering about hiking with kids that are infants or toddlers, don’t count them out yet. State of the art kid carriers, which are both adjustable and comfortable for family hiking events are available, and are very common practice for the well seasoned hiker.

You will want to prevent blisters when hiking with kids, so pay attention to their feet and stop immediately if they say their feet hurt, they may have a hot spot. If you put Moleskin on that hot spot soon enough and a blister won’t form. If a blister has already formed, never put Moleskin directly on it. Instead, cut a hole in the Moleskin the same size as the blister. That will keep the boot from rubbing the blister and inevitably keep the kids on the trail.