Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First Aids for Hiking: Already Made For Your Convenience

You can also find pre-constructed hiking first aid kits which we highly recommend for the beginner hiker. These may contain a more complete assortment of first aid items and a comprehensive first aid guide book or even a backcountry first aid guide book. There are a variety of hiking first aid kits available for day hikes or backpacking treks. Your hiking first aid kit should be tailored to your trekking terrain, weather, the ages of hikers, and your group's special medical needs. Many kits may include splints in the even of a broken bone, but experienced wilderness hikers forego carrying them, pointing out that a couple of broken tree limbs can serve the same purpose if they are needed.

Keep an open mind and use common sense and all that nature provides if you become challenged with a medical emergency out in the wild.